Saturday, June 18, 2011

Democrats warn: Beware Ron Paul!

Here's another good video by Tom Woods. In this case I decided to link to it because it mentions Social Security, which I call a smoke & mirrors ponzi scheme. When I hear politicians talk about the so-called 'trust fund' I start yelling at the t.v. Here's the truth: All of the funds collected under the guise of 'social security', as well as the Medicare tax that's deducted go into the 'general fund'. They may have some book-keeping gimmicks around it but that's where it ends up.

There have been huge surpluses in the SS collections column that helped reduce the rest of the 'budget deficit' for years. That's because they raised the payroll taxes in the 1980's (just as I was starting to work for a living...) to help fund the so-called trust fund for the 'baby boomers' (of which I am one, I'm on the tail-end). I'll stop ranting on that for now. Here's a link to an article about the Social Security myth that is linked on the Tom Woods web site. The video is just a few seconds over 9 minutes.

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